Byte Super Bowl Emails

Byte Super Bowl Sale Emails

 I wrote two sets of three emails for our Super Bowl sale, which ran from February 7 to February 11 (Super Bowl Sunday). The first set went out to customers who had completed a quiz to see if aligners were right for them, but who hadn’t yet ordered an Impression Kit. The email included a promo code for 80% off an Impression Kit.

The second set went to customers who were in the process of straightening their teeth with Byte clear aligners. This email included a promo code for 15% off oral care accessories like aligner cleaners and sanitizers.

For both sets, the first email went out on Feb 7, the second on Feb 9, and the last on Feb 11.

Because of copyright issues, we couldn’t mention the Super Bowl — we could only allude to it.

Set 1 - Email 1

This is the subject line and preview copy for the first email.

Set 1 - Email 2

Set 1 - Email 3

Set 2 - Email 1

Set 2 - Email 2

Set 2 - Email 3