Rebrand - TrueCar

TrueCar Rebrand

 The problem: TrueCar undertook a strategic rebrand designed to make car shopping a more uplifting and empowering experience for customers.

The solution: I collaborated with the marketing and product teams to pick one of the characteristics of our new brand personality — empowerment — and I leaned into that attribute as I rewrote copy on the home page, pricing graph, new and used landing pages, and other sections of the site. It was a challenge to stay true to the new voice of the company while also incorporating feedback from multiple stakeholders.

The result: The rebrand improved conversion by 4-5%. We created a warm, friendly brand narrative that made car-shopping an easy, enjoyable experience, and I’m proud of the work I did to make that happen.

Here’s the home page headline and subhead post rebrand: concise copy that speaks to the benefits of using TrueCar, simple and compelling CTAs, clean design, and cute new illustrations. Now, let’s go back to the beginning…

I made a master spreadsheet for each section of the site, with a screenshot, a list of UX goals, and my proposed copy options. Stakeholders could then easily weigh in and make copy suggestions.

This was the original home page header…

… and again, here’s the new homepage header. Rather than having two headers, we went the more traditional header-subhead route, especially because we had just introduced customizable payments and wanted to lean into that benefit.

This module was directly below the header on the old homepage. It elaborated on the benefits of buying a car with TrueCar.

I proposed we rework this module to speak to the benefits of buying new and used cars, and of trading in your current car, rather than using all three sections to speak to the general benefits of buying with TrueCar. This is the new-car section of that module…

This is the used-car section…

…and this is the trade section. Now, we have modules that elaborate directly on our three CTAs up top. Note: I would have loved to go with “Trade” as a CTA rather than “Get a Value on Your Current Vehicle,” but the latter CTA performed better in tests.

On the old site, there was a price curve that showed what other customers paid for a car similar to the one you wanted.

Since customers were having issues understanding how the price curve worked, we revamped it into a price graph. I rewrote this section’s headline to contain a lot more information about what the customer was currently looking at. I also wrote simple, easy-to-access explainer copy.

I wrote copy that explained how to use the price graph, and I also defined the terms we were using in our copy. This drawer slid open when the customer clicked Learn More below the Price Graph headline.

I also wrote new copy for the new-car landing page. I made sure to include copy that spoke to our new Customize Payments functionality.

I did the same for the used-car landing page.

Trade got a revamp, too — it became Sell Your Car.

Once I had come up with the copy for our rebranded new, used, and trade sections, I then weaved that messaging throughout the rest of the TrueCar site. As I said before, my work helped improve conversion by 4-5%, and I’m proud of that success.