Registration Benefits Testing

Registration Benefits Testing

 The problem: We are always combating dropoff when it is time for customers to register.

The solution: To motivate customers to complete the registration process, we explored:

  • adding benefit statements to the registration modals

  • changing the button copy to speak to the benefits of registration

I performed qualitative testing to determine the benefit statements to which customers responded best.

The results: Generally, the cost-centric benefit statements performed well, although users also preferred straightforward button copy that didn’t speak to a particular benefit.

This solution is scheduled to be built in the near future.

I created a test that would show users where the benefit copy would go.

I then presented the user with several options, and asked which would make them most likely to complete registration for this website.

I did the same for the button copy test: first, I showed users where the button text would go.

Next, I presented users with options, and asked them which one would make them most likely to complete registration.

I asked a sample size of 10 users which benefit they preferred. The numbers-focused benefit came out as a clear winner.

Again, I asked 10 users which benefit they preferred for the button copy. Interestingly, the simple, straightforward button copy, with no added benefit, won out.

I ran several similar tests with different benefits. In this one, the price-focused benefit won.