TrueCar AI Emails

TrueCar AI Recommendation Emails


The problem: We want to provide customers with more diverse car choices when shopping. Right now, if a consumer searches for a Toyota Camry on TrueCar or any major competitor site, they are recommended dozens of Toyota Camry cars. With this new model, Toyota Camry consumers will see not only Toyota Camry cars, but also relevant Toyota Corolla or Nissan Altima cars, as well. The AI model flexibly recommends personalized cars from diverse makes and models, new/used cars, and TrueCar core /TrueCar+ cars. By diversifying recommendations, and delighting and even surprising the consumer, we hope to increase sales.

The solution: I worked with the machine learning and marketing teams to write emails that use AI to recommend vehicles a customer might like, based on the vehicles they’ve browsed before.

The results: These emails are receiving a very high open rate of 53.8%, and have been responsible for 1,600+ total sales since their rollout.